PROPANE STATION • Fill your Tank, CALL 229-339-7608
Our rates are for FULL HOOK-UPs and Pull-through sites.
All sites are wide and grassy, many with shade trees. Map is NOT TO SCALE.
Whether you are here to stay or just passing through, we do sell propane for RV's and BBQ tanks.
Call ahead and we can meet you at the pump... (229) 339-7608.
Fill your propane tanks:
If camping in a tent is your thing ... or your car ... we have primitive tent sites avail.
One Tent (2 people) + One Car = $25, or
One Vehicle = $25
Your reservation includes use of the Bath House, Laundry and Pavilion.
We welcome all of our Harvest Host guests to Trolley Turner in Georgia!
Trolley Turner is an attraction that offers a wood turning demonstration by our artist-in-residence, Boris.
For Quilters & Crafters, Trolley Stitchin' with Jorgette is soon to b…
We will accommodate any rigs evacuating from Hurricane Designated areas.
Stressed about where you'll go if you need to evacuate?
We are conveniently located 62 miles north of the Florida/Georgia line ...